Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's been a while...

I can't believe how long it has been since I've posted anything.  Lots of things have changed...

We are now living in our new house.  God provided a home larger enough for our growing family and it is right around the corner from our church/TJ's school, which is such a blessing.

TJ is doing well in Kindergarten.  (Although, his homework makes me thankful that I'm not teaching him to read.  I am so NOT a good primary teacher.)  He loves school and I think one of the coolest things is hearing him recite the Bible verses they learn.

Elaina has adjusted to the idea that 2 more boys will be joining our clan.  I think she's actually excited about being Mommy's helper.  She just started taking dance classes and LOVES them.

Zac is talking up a storm.  It seems like he adds new words/phrases every day.  Some of our favorites are "No way"  and "How are you?".

Life is definitely busy.  I'm trying not to overdo it because I get tired and sore very easily.
We have another sonogram next Wednesday and I'm looking forward to seeing these little guys again.


Anonymous said...

Ditto on everything you said your children my grandchildren are a joy to watch, they are growing up so fast, the twins will not miss out on anything with three loving older siblings. I too am looking forward to going with you on wednesday.Thank You and Donny for all the joy and love that you have given to me with and thru your children. Love always and forever Mom.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I didn't know he said those! That's so cute! And I'll have to get TJ to recite a verse for me, and Elaina to dance for me. Glad to see you're FINALLY posting again! ;) Love ya! :D

Singing His praises,