Friday, October 24, 2008

They're growing

Well, we had another ultrasound this week.  the boys are both growing nicely.  One weighs 1 lb 12 oz. and the other is 1 lb 10 oz.  The Dr.  says everything looks great and we are doing great.   We're all getting really excited and looking forward to meeting these little guys.

Almost forgot.  During the ultrasound, one of the boys kicked the other in the head.  Oh dear.  Fighting already ;)


Anonymous said...

Uh oh! But I'm sure they'll get along better once they're born; they'll have more space! ;D And we can't wait to meet them either. =) Love ya sis!

Libby said...

yay! thanks for the update...

Becoming a Morrison said...

hahaha!!! Bill's a twin, so I always hear about how he kicked his brother Jim out of "his" womb. Jim was born first, b/c Bill "kicked" him out.

Anonymous said...

aww how sweet :)

krista said...

I just clicked on your blog for the first time...Congratulations!

Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and those precious babies don't fight too much. HA HA

(My little guy is such a vigorous kicker...he's making me nervous.)