Monday, December 1, 2008

A TJ Funny

So, the last part of TJ's memory verse this week talks about overlooking an ofFENSE.  We were reading through the verse tonight and and he said "Mommy, tell me when we get to the part about the gate, cuz I know that part."  I laughed till I cried.


Anonymous said...

Nice! He's so funny! In fact, all of your kids are! Love ya! =O)

Briana Almengor said...

My guys did something similar w/ this verse. I had been training them for a couple days using this verse, and at one point Judah declared, "Good job, Tucker. Mom, Tucker looked over the fence." :)

Libby said...

Marie, too hilarious! It's amazing what our ears hear vs. what's really being said!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Oh, kids say the funniest things!